Thursday, April 16, 2020

Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression

Introduction Depression is a stage in stress psychology and it can affect any person across the gender and demographic variables. However, depression is more common in women than men and statistics shows that in the united state in every three reported cases of depression one is a man while the ratio increases to worldwide statistics which stands at 3 to 1.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although, there is much to be researched on the gender differences of depression, there are general causes of depression either environmental or biological. This paper will try to discuss several methodological bias associated with sex depression. Clinician Bias In this description, it argues that people who are over-reliant for self-esteem and identity are more exposed to the risks of getting depression incase of a relation break out. Since self-esteem comes from external sources, these people cannot deal with the loss hence reacting passively. The similarity between the depression-prone people and collection of traits are used to distinguish women in the normal course of body development. The research has shown that there is a relationship between masculinity and depression where lower masculinity results to higher rate of depression. The interpretation here characterizes women with low masculinity hence lower sex orientation in women than in men. Both low masculinity and depression symptoms are as a result of low self-esteem (Helgeson, 2009) Response bias This is referred to as a bias which affects the results of responses or deviation in judgment making on particular situations. It’s believed that men suffer less from depression because of their avoidance in expressing feelings compared to women. It’s also arguable that women are available to nurture each other in case of the depressive feeling hence lowering their rejection. Other evidence indicates that when various socio-economic and demographic factors are carefully controlled sex depression is reduced or totally eliminated. Relatively both male and female youths who are unmarried are in the same risks of getting depressed, but the rate increases to women once they get married. Differing manifestation of Depression Researchers have prescribed that the depression in women and men to be treated differently for they are fully different. Although women depression is denoted by several causes, depressions associated with socio life conditions should not be viewed as a clinical type of depression (Peta, 2002).Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It’s taken in a great concern to analyze the reasons leading to depression mostly in women, and then, identify long-lasting strategies to curb this challenge and advocat e for women mental health policies that oversee their needs. It’s, therefore, necessary to any psychiatrist within psychiatry to define mental illness of every patient in order to determine the most appropriate diagnosis and also provides ways to defend against contradictory medical evidence. Furthermore, the problem of depression is much more prevalent in women than it is with men not only as being induced by the societal interaction problems and pressures, but depression in women may become worse due to their biological makeup/ components in the body. In this connection, there are evidence from research results which have shown that women are greatly affected by hormonal factors/ elements such as estrogen, which bring about menopausal symptoms. This is well observed during adolescent or teenager’s stage when the hormonal elements are fully produced and active in the body. In short, this may be perpetuated to old age and be augmented by other environmental factors, es pecially for those exposed under different unfavorable social conditions at workplace and/or within the community they live in. References Helgeson, V. S. (2009). Psychology of Gender. NJ: Pearson Education, Inc Peta, S. (2002). Feminist Research: Prospect and Retrospect. Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women This critical writing on Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression was written and submitted by user Niko Bonner to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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